Friday 13 January 2012

Moonrise Kingdom Trailer

My goodness, it seems like an age since Wes Anderson last had a movie out, but this new trailer for Moonrise Kingdom rewards our patience with what looks to be his most fun film in years.

What kind of bird am I? A very excited bird is the answer.

Despite some people "pretending" to not get his style of filmmaking, everyone has a favourite Wes Anderson film, and although it's hard to choose I'd have to plump for Royal Tenenbaums as mine, just edging out Rushmore. Which is probably why I'm so enamoured with the new trailer for Moonrise Kingdom, bringing together the lone wolf optimism of Rushmore and the cute kid scenes of Royal Tenenbaums.

It may have an all star cast of actors keen to boost their cred by working with Anderson (Bill Murray may be an Anderson staple but Bruce Willis and Edward Norton are interesting new additions to the fold), but what's exciting me most is the cast of young actors that comprise the troop of Rhode Island Boy Scouts. If there's one thing Anderson does well (other than production design and static camera shots, obvs) it's dry, deadpan wit, something that kids can do brilliantly.

It wasn't until reading up about the film that I realised this film is set in the 60's, as just like all of Anderson's films there's something timeless about its setting and costuming. Also, if you're wondering what that wonderful music playing in the background is, it's 60's French popstrel Francoise Hardy singing Le Temps De L'amour, which when you see the LP cover may leave you wondering why Anderson hasn't used her music before.

Fantastique Monsieur Anderson, fantastique.

1 comment:

  1. Moonrise Kingdom was adorable!!! Best movie of 2012 so far for sure! I'm also looking forward to Parker Posey's new movie "The Love Guide" coming out this month, if you liked moonrise kingdom i think you'll like this one too.
