Monday 21 May 2012

ANCHORMAN 2 TRAILERS - Mirth Was A Good Choice

And lo, on this glorious day, the lord gave us not one, but two new trailers for Anchorman 2, each showing off a different series of gags that proves the old gang have still got it. Despite not showing us anything that will end up in the final movie (which technically hasn't been written yet) at least these trailers show that as long as you stick these guys together in front of a camera, they'll come up with something worth watching.

It must be said that in the 8 year interim between this film and the original, some of the cast members have got old. Will Ferrell looks far from his best in the Ron Burgundy get up and Steve Carrell's gained more than a few wrinkles. Of course this is counter balanced by Paul Rudd who, at the grand old age of 43 and hiding under a thick beard, has been frozen in time since his Clueless days. Still, they're all bringing the funny, and that's what counts.

Not hitting our cinema screens until sometime in 2013, it's reassuring to see that they're eager to build anticipation so early, as they clearly think they've got a surefire box office success this time around. The question that still needs to be answered is, why the hell did it take so long?

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