Tuesday 25 October 2011

"What Is Hidden In Snow Comes Forth In The Thaw"

With just under two months to go until David Fincher's adaptation of Stieg Larsson's Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is released, it's now time for the marketing campaign to really kick in, starting with this excellent new poster. Keep reading to see the image in full, as well as find out what its cryptic new tagline means.

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Still avoiding the use of the actual Dragon Tattoo on its posters, this new image is still unquestionably beautiful, blending together Daniel Craig's face with the silhouette of Rooney Mara's Lisbeth Salander. It's nice to see that the previously not very well known Mara will also be receiving an above the title credit, as she's clearly going to be a massive star once the film is released.

We've also been treated to a new cryptic tagline "What Is Hidden In Snow Comes Forth In The Thaw". Fincher's adaptation has retained the original Swedish setting, and seems keen to remain as authentically Swedish as possible. Except for the characters all speaking in English, obvs. The peculiar sounding tagline actually comes from an old Swedish proverb "Det som göms i snö, kommer fram vid tö", which apart from sounding as dark and mysterious as the film's leading lady, also has another hidden meaning.

As well as being the name of a slowly updated photo blog at whatishiddeninsnow.com, it's also the name of an intriguing new image gallery that's been released at comesforthinthethaw.com, the icy frame slowly revealing images from the film backed by audio snippets and a pounding example of Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's score. It's slightly infuriating that you can't skip ahead to new images, but it's nice and atmospheric to have on in the background.

Speaking of Reznor's score, a new piece also called "Comes Forth In The Thaw" has been released on Youtube, making it clear that this is going to rival his outstanding work on The Social Network which earnt him an Oscar. Will he be taking home a statue again? Personally, I'd put money on it, but I'll let you decide for yourselves.

After last year's success with The Social Network, no-one can deny that Fincher knows how to build hype around his films, but will our efforts to follow these small pieces of information be rewarded with another outstanding film? Come December 21st, we'll find out.

Image courtesy of IMPawards.com.

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