Saturday 4 September 2010

Let The Poster Campaign Begin

There's been some fuss over the remake of Let The Right One In. Did it really need remaking? Is it really acceptable to pander to audiences who can't be bothered to read subtitles? The makers of the remake Let Me In have said that they're taking it back to the source material and putting their own spin on things, but there's no way they can avoid comparisons with the Swedish original. I thought I'd take a look at the poster campaigns to see how they compare...
More after the jump...

The first UK quad poster is really just a teaser. There's no character images but has an interesting concept of blood trapped under the ice. This really is just an announcement poster, offering little insight into the film it's promoting. It doesn't even compare to...
I'd rank this poster as an instant classic. The font, the colours, the casting of the's immediately iconic. There's also some quite glacial about it. I have to commend the makers of Let Me In for not even trying to ape this poster.

Now this is a nice poster that offers a brief introduction to Chloe Moretz's character, Abby. It doesn't give too much away, but offers a tidbit of info about her character. She seems tiny and innocent, but is essentially bathing in blood.
The introduction to Eli is much more mysterious as you can't really see the character. You can make out that it's a girl, but that's about it. It carries on the icy blue colour scheme that says a lot about the films tone and setting.

I really like this poster. It works in tandem with the Abby poster from before. If Abby is the devil bathed in blood, Owen is the angel surrounded by purity. Of course the bloody footsteps hint towards so much more. Again, this is a nice pre-release poster used to create interest.
I'd have to say that I'm not a massive fan of this poster. It's okay, and does offer some curious imagery with the blood-letting, but again is more focused on the shadowy Eli, only offering the tiniest of glimpses at Oskar. In terms of composition, his placement within her and comparative dwarfing says something.

And here's where the poster campaigns start to collide. This French poster shows a much clearer look at Chloe Moretz's Abby (I'm sure there'll be a US version soon), and has also adopted the icy blue scheme of the Swedish original. This does help the contrast with the deep red blood dripping out of her mouth. It's very reminiscent of...
Eli is a much smaller figure in this poster, but you can still clearly see the blood contrasting against the cold blue. She also has the bleeding from the eyes that the US version hasn't included. Both characters seem to show delicate innocence, mixed with the hint of death that surrounds them.

So, there's the posters. As for the new version of the story, we'll have to wait until Halloween to see how that compares to the original. Personally, I'm curious about the project, but just hope they can get the tone right. I suppose time will tell.

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