Wednesday 18 July 2012

Drew: The Man Behind The Poster - Trailer

In my humble opinion, anyone who considers themselves a true film fan should know the name Drew Struzan and if they don't, luckily there's a new documentary on the way that should fix that. Not literally the man behind the poster (they would have been incredibly hard to paint so he tends to stand in front of it), he is the man who created some of the most indelible film poster images of the last 35 years, be it Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Hellboy, Rambo, The Thing, Star Wars... the list goes on. 

Held in such high esteem by the directors who've been fortunate enough to have a Drew Struzan poster grace their film's promotional campaign, most of the big guns (Lucas, Del Toro, Spielberg, Darabont) appear in this documentary to talk about his artwork and what effect they think it's had on the audiences perception of their films.

There isn't a single filmmaker in the world who wouldn't want a Drew Struzan poster for their film, now the elder statesman of film poster designers and still the high benchmark for up-and-comers like Olly Moss, Sam Gilbey and Tom Hodge. This doc allows us a closer look at the man at work, now semi-retired and able to choose the projects he wants to do, and offers us the first meeting between Struzan and Harrison Ford, the man whose face he has probably drawn more than any other.

An intriguing looking doc for anyone with an interest in poster art, there's no clear indication yet as to when this is going to be released. Imagine what the poster might look like though...

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