Tuesday 10 August 2010

SLACKER trailer review

Trailers are an important tool in building buzz and anticipation for films. A good trailer can sell a bad movie, a bad trailer can kill a good movie. Here we try and tell the difference between the two and pick out the most anticipated new films.
More after the jump...


Do we really need another Jackass movie? No. Do I really want to see this latest installment? YES. I'm sure we're losing a lot of the effect when watching a trailer for a 3D film in 2D, but at least you get a fair idea of what it has to offer. Hopefully they can use the medium to really make us cringe. It's been 4 years since the last one, and there's a certain amount of pleasure in seeing how bloated and destroyed all the stars have become. Also, who'd have thought in 2010 we'd revolutionise the high-five?
Due October 2010
Anticipation Level


They might as well have shown us the end credits too. This trailer gives far too much information away and shows us the deaths of the bad guys. I know the original so I get that these roadside hicks commit some nasty crimes, but her transformation into a mud soaked warrior princess seems a bit extreme. For a girl trapped in the woods she sure seems to have made some interesting killing machines from what's lying around. Looks like it's another unnecessary remake just like Last House On The Left and The Hills Have Eyes. The unrated bit's a tad pointless over this side of the pond anyway; it'll be an 18 and that's it.
Due Halloween 2010
Anticipation Level


Another American sports comedy about the triumph over adversity. Sam Rockwell can pretty much do no wrong, and Emma Roberts is a likable presence on screen, but this is not a good trailer for what looks like an average movie. Why does he want to coach the girls basketball team? It's not addressed. Did you realise that Emma Roberts is playing his daughter? They're not really selling the right story here. Rob Corddry tends to shine in supporting roles, but I don't think he'll be at his foul-mouthed best in this one. This has been held back since Sundance 2009, and I don't think it's going to get a particularly wide release in the US, so expect to see this on DVD sometime next year.
Due 2011
Anticipation Level


Take equal parts The Family Stone and Rachel Getting Married; add a splash of Dawson's Creek and plenty of sugar. What do you get? This ridiculously sappy looking chick flick. It just looks so generic, and the fact it's being directed by the writer of the original novel doesn't inspire confidence. Yes, it's a fairly good ensemble cast, and I'm sure it'll find a female-centric audience, but that doesn't mean it's a good story.
Due September 2010
Anticipation Level

All trailers appear courtesy of Trailer Addict and their affiliates. Head over there for more trailery goodness.


  1. RE: Jackass -- I love those guys, but someone's going to break a hip

    RE: Spit -- doesn't it seem like jeff branson a little too good looking to be a backwoods hick? I mean,, if he hits the right bar on Long Island night, he can have the pick of the park without even having to bound anyone that doesn't want to be bound.

  2. That's Hollywood casting for you! If you're hiring a guy to play a rapist, might as well make him attractive for the ladies.
